"Drastic changes, no place for gradualism" RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Javier Milei is Argentina's president-elect

President-elect, Javier Milei, declared that as "from today the reconstruction of Argentina begins".

In his first speech after the electoral victory, the libertarian anticipated that the changes the country needs "are drastic" and that "there is no room for gradualism".

Likewise, he stated that "the impoverishing and omnipresent state will come to an end".

From La Libertad Avanza campaign center, the economist assured that all those who want to join his administration are "welcome".

His government, Milei anticipated, will be based on "the ideas of freedom" that led Argentina to become a world power in the 19th century.

To those who resist the changes, the president-elect warned: "everything within the law, nothing outside the law".

In this context, he thanked activists of Liberty Advances for their work during the campaign.

He also expressed his gratitude to former President Mauricio Macri and former Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich for supporting him for the runoff and collaborating in controlling the voting process.

He also urged the government of Alberto Fernández to guarantee the conditions for an orderly transition until December 10.

Milei won with almost 56% of the votes, while his rival Sergio Massa obtained 44%.