Elections Argentina 2023 RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Juntos por el Cambio torn between Massa and Milei

Conservative coalition “Together for Change” is defining its position regarding the run-off election between the Peronist Sergio Massa and the libertarian Javier Milei.

The force was left out of the second round because its candidate, Patricia Bullrich, came third in last Sunday's elections.

Parties that make up the alliance will meet separately to fix their position in view of the definition of November 19.

On the one hand, the PRO, of former President Mauricio Macri, several of whose leaders have announced that they will support Milei.

On the other side, the UCR, of social democratic origin, which could support Massa or remain neutral.

The third partner of the alliance, the Civic Coalition, has already announced that it will not support either of the two candidates.

In all this, there will be no ballotage in the city of Buenos Aires and Jorge Macri, cousin of the former president, will be the next head of government.

This is because his most voted rival, Leandro Santoro, announced yesterday his decision not to "force a runoff".

Santoro -Massa's ally- obtained a little more than 32% of the votes, while Macri received 49.3%, just below the minimum to be consecrated in the first round.