Latin American leaders voice solidarity

World leaders expressed their solidarity with the former president and VP Cristina Kirchner following the attempt on her life.

Pope Francis sent a telegram to the vice-president on Friday, expressing his "solidarity and closeness in this delicate moment".





From Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro posted on Twitter: "We send our solidarity to Vice President CFK Argentina, in view of the attempt on her life".

And he added: "We strongly condemn this action that seeks to destabilize the Peace of the brotherly Argentine people. The Great Homeland is with you comrade! #FuerzaArgentina #FuerzaCristina."

His peer from Chile, Gabriel Boric, expressed in social networks: "the assassination attempt on Vice President Cristina Fernandez, deserves the repudiation and condemnation of the entire continent. My solidarity with her, the government and the Argentine people. The way forward will always be the debate of ideas and dialogue, never weapons or violence".

From Uruguay, President Luis Lacalle Pou stated: "Violence can never, never be tolerated under any circumstances. My solidarity with Mrs. Cristina Fernandez and all the Argentine people in the face of the attack".

On his part, the Peruvian Pedro Castillo expressed: "All my solidarity with the Vice President and the Argentine people. The Peruvian Government condemns today's attempt on her life. We repudiate all acts of violence".

Meanwhile, Bolivian President Luis Arce asserted in his account:
"We emphatically condemn the attempt on the life of sister @CFKArgentina, vice president of #Argentina. From the Plurinational State of #Bolivia, we send all our support, to her, her family, the government and the Argentine people. #TodosConCristina".

The Honduran Xiomara Castro expressed a "strong condemnation of the assassination attempt perpetrated against Vice President @CFKArgentina" and sent a "message of support for Cristina and the Argentine people".

For his part, Ecuador's Guillermo Lasso posted on Twitter: "I condemn the events recorded against Vice President Cristina Fernández and send Ecuador's solidarity to the Argentine government of @alferdez. We believe in democracy and peace. We reject hatred and violence".

From Cuba, president Miguel Díaz Canel assured: "we are dismayed with the assassination attempt on Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, we send all our solidarity to the Vice President, the Argentine government and people".

For his part, the head of the Organization of American States, the Uruguayan Luis Almagro, expressed his solidarity with Cristina Fernández and the Argentine government.

The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, also spoke, and said: "We condemn the cowardly assassination attempt on our sister @CFKArgentina. All our solidarity to the vice president. The “Patria Grande” (Big Fatherland, i.e., Latin America) is with you, sister".

Another leader very close to the former Argentine president, Brazil's Lula da Silva sent him "all" his "solidarity'' and assured that Kirchner was "victim of a fascist criminal who does not know how to respect divergences and diversity".

The leader of the Workers' Party also expressed: "Cristina is a woman who deserves the respect of any democrat in the world and thank God she was unharmed".

Another former South American ex-president, Ecuador's Rafael Correa posted in turn: "What is wrong with the world! My absolute solidarity with Cristina".