Brazilian president's trip to Egypt RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Lula criticizes Israel's Gaza offensive

On the first day of his visit to Egypt, Brazilian President Lula da Silva criticized Israel for the offensive in Gaza.
In Cairo, the South American leader said that the Israeli government did not comply with any of the UN resolutions on the humanitarian situation in the Strip.

As he recalled, "Brazil is a country that strongly condemned Hamas in the attack on Israel and the kidnapping of hundreds of people".

And he continued: "but there is no explanation for Israel's behavior: under the pretext of defeating Hamas is killing women and children".

He expressed that a cease-fire is urgent for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza and for Hamas hostages to be released immediately and unconditionally.

He said this after meeting with his Egyptian counterpart Abdelfatah Al Sisi, whom he thanked for his role in negotiating the release of hostages of Brazilian nationality.

Lula's tour will continue in Ethiopia, where he will participate as a guest of the African Union Summit.