Israel summons Brazilian ambassador RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Lula denounces genocide in Gaza

Brazil’s president Lula da Silva assured that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza.

He stated this in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, where he participated as a guest of the African Union summit.

"What is happening is not a war, it is genocide," said the Brazilian leader.

For him, in the Palestinian territory there are no soldiers, but a "very well trained" army on one side and women and children on the other.

In his opinion, "what is happening has not happened at any other time in history, and then he said: "in fact, it has happened: when Hitler decided to kill the Jews".

These remarks were condemned quickly in Israel, whose Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described them as "shameful and serious".

For him, what the President said is a "trivialization of the Holocaust".

In this regard, the Israeli Foreign Ministry summoned the Brazilian ambassador in Tel Aviv to express a formal protest.

For its part, the Hamas movement congratulated Lula in a communiqué for his speech in Ethiopia.

For the Palestinian militia, the South American leader accurately described the suffering of the people of Gaza and the magnitude of the crime committed by Israel.