President Fernández visits Brazil RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Lula says IMF has a knife on Argentina's throat

Brazilian President Lula da Silva said he will ask the International Monetary Fund to "take the knife out of Argentina's neck".

He stated this when meeting his Argentine peer Alberto Fernández in capital Brasilia.

The Brazilian leader assured in this context: "the IMF knows how Argentina got into debt, it knows who it lent the money to".

And he continued that, for this reason, the Fund "cannot continue to put pressure on a country that only wants to grow, create jobs and improve the lives of the people".

It is worth remembering that the IMF granted Buenos Aires a loan of more than 50 billion dollars, during the administration of former president Mauricio Macri, in 2018.

"We will do everything in our power to make Argentina a prosperous economy in South America again", concluded Lula.

Alberto Fernández, for his part, thanked the President of Brazil for his "explicit support".

And he stressed that the government of the neighboring country "has decided to help Brazilian companies to continue exporting to Argentina".