After six days of protests RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Machu Picchu reopens

In Peru, the government reached an agreement to lift the protests that paralyzed tourist activity at the famous ruins of Machu Picchu.
For six days, residents blocked railroad tracks, closed stores and held marches.

They did so in rejection of Lima’s plan to grant a concession to a private company to run the ticket-sale operation for entrance to the archaeological complex.

But Peruvian authorities agreed yesterday to end this contract, in order to solve the dispute.

After the agreement, yesterday the train link between the city of Cusco and the town of Aguas Calientes, at the base of Machu Picchu, was reestablished.

Due to the protest, some 1200 tourists from all over the world had to be evacuated over the weekend, many of them without having been able to visit the Inca citadel.