Marches against President Bolsonaro continue in Brazil

Hundreds of Brazilians took part on Sunday in demonstrations against President Jair Bolsonaro, this time summoned by right-wing movements. In many of these, some left-leaning lawmakers and leaders joined in. These protests come just a few days after massive rallies in support of the President.

The protests in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and São Paulo, among other cities, were called by right-wing social groups, such as Movimento Brasil Livre (MBL) and Vem Pra Rua (VPR). These movements are the ones that promoted in 2016 the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff and now defend a "third way" for the 2022 presidential elections under the slogan "Neither Bolsonaro nor Lula".



Almost a year before the presidential elections, Bolsonaro and Lula have the highest voting intentions in the polls, which indicate the former union leader is the frontrunner in a potential run-off.

Bolsonaro, who's cornered by judicial investigations, inflation, unemployment and a chaotic management of the coronavirus pandemic that eroded his popularity, redoubled last Tuesday his attacks on institutions, particularly the judiciary. Days later he backtracked and assured that his recent statements against the Supreme Court were uttered "in the heat of the moment".