Ahead of Sunday runoff RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Massa and Milei closed their campaigns

The presidential candidates closed their respective campaigns before Sunday's runoff.

Minister of Economy Sergio Massa did it in a high school in the city of Buenos Aires.

Surrounded by students, the ruling party candidate called on young people to "defend the utopia of choosing" what kind of country they want to live in.

For Massa, this meeting "represents what kind of country we want".

His rival, Javier Milei, led a rally in the city of Córdoba in which he assured that this Sunday the "reconstruction of Argentina" begins.

Former candidate Patricia Bullrich, who came third in the first round, was on stage supporting the libertarian.

As from today, the electoral ban is in force, in which political messages cannot be broadcasted in the media.

On Sunday voters will decide whether Massa or Milei will be the successor of President Alberto Fernández as from December 10.