Fuel shortages across Argentina RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Massa gives companies ultimatum to normalize supply

Minister of Economy Sergio Massa warned oil companies about the lack of fuel.

During an act in Tucumán, the presidential candidate of the ruling party gave them until tomorrow night to solve the situation.

Otherwise, Massa said, these companies will not be able to export even "a single ship" of hydrocarbons.

"First the oil of the Argentines belongs to the Argentines", said the minister when attending the swearing in of the new governor of Tucumán, Osvaldo Jaldo.

"The Argentine oil sector is one of the fastest growing in the global market", said the hopeful of the Peronist coalition Unión por la Patria.

For some days now, there have been difficulties in obtaining gasoline in Argentina.

According to officials, the shortage is due to an extraordinary demand because of the electoral uncertainty that led many motorists to try to "stock up" on gas.