Elections Argentina 2023 RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Massa rules out post-vote devaluation

Minister of Economy Sergio Massa ruled out a devaluation following the November 19 runoff.

In any case, he anticipated that after the elections the "crawling peg" will be reestablished, and that the dollar will increase by 3 pesos.

Massa, presidential candidate of the ruling party, also anticipated that if he wins the elections, the “cepo” will be eliminated by the end of 2024.

That’s how Argentines call the restriction to buy dollars in Argentina, in order to face the shortage of foreign currency.

As explained by the Minister, this will happen "when we have enough dollars so that the flow of trade is free and we do not have stress in front of our reserves".

In the run-off, Massa faces libertarian Javier Milei, from La Libertad Avanza party.