President-elect of Argentina RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei anticipates fiscal shock

President-elect Javier Milei ratified his economic plan "will be one of shock, with the commitment to achieve fiscal balance".

In an interview, the libertarian admitted that inflation could continue for up to two years after stopping money printing.

And he warned that in the face of social protests his administration will respond with "the full force of the law because order is to be respected".

In a contact with Neura Media, Milei underlined that this is "the first time that someone who says he is going to make cuts wins the election".

"But this cut will not be paid by good people", clarified the President-elect.

And he continued: "it will be paid by politicians, by the "political caste", by State-protected businesspeople, by corrupt media".

The fiscal balance, he predicted will allow "for a rise in salaries in dollars and a fall in poverty and destitution".