"The State is the problem, not the solution" RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei in Davos: "The West is at risk because of socialism"

Argentine President Javier Milei warned at the Davos Economic Forum that "the West is in danger".

The reason, he explained, is "collectivism" and state intervention, which interferes with free enterprise capitalism, "the only tool to fight poverty", according to him.

On his first international trip since taking office in December, Milei spoke to world leaders and businessmen in the Swiss city.

In his speech, he emphasized that the greatest economic growth in world history began in the 19th century, with the expansion of capitalism.

In this context, he held the State responsible for any economic problem, since -he said- "there is no such thing as market failures".

And he also congratulated businessmen because when they get rich they generate jobs, so they are "heroes' ' according to the Argentine president.

He also stated that "Nazis, communists, socialists, fascists, social democrats, conservatives, centrists are all the same for increasing state intervention".

And he repeated a phrase he waved several times during the electoral campaign: "The State is not the solution, it is the problem".

The President also criticized feminism and environmentalism, which he deemed “socialist inventions”.

And he denounced: "Neo-Marxists have managed to hijack the Western World’s common sense in the media, universities and international organizations".