Argentina Elections 2023 RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

"Milei is a risk to MERCOSUR" - Brazilian government

For the Brazilian government, a victory by Javier Milei in Argentina's elections could threaten the continuity of the MERCOSUR bloc.

This was stated by the Brazilian Minister of Economy Fernando Haddad, less than a month before the general elections of October 22.

In São Paulo, the official said: "MERCOSUR is at risk especially due to the upcoming events that may occur in our main trading partner".

And he continued: "the scope of the narratives of the candidate leading the polls in Argentina is unknown".

Haddad did not expressly mention the libertarian candidate, the most voted in last August's primaries.

The MERCOSUR group is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, and is negotiating a trade agreement with the European Union.