Hamas condemned the Argentine president's decision RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei to open embassy in Jerusalem

Argentine President Javier Milei was received by the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.
In the X network, the host thanked him for his country's support in the war against Hamas, and remarked that Buenos Aires declared that group as "terrorist".

He also highlighted Milei's decision to move the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem.

"Welcome, friend!", Netanyahu tells the President in his publication.

As part of his schedule in Israel, the Argentine also met yesterday with his local peer Isaac Herzog.

In addition, he visited the Wailing Wall, where the cameras showed him moved to tears.

In addition, Hamas condemned the transfer of the Argentine embassy to Jerusalem.

In a statement, the Islamist organization considers that it is "a violation of the rights of the Palestinian people to their land".

And furthermore, the message continues, “it is a violation of the norms of international law".

The decision of the Casa Rosada, Hamas asserts, turns Argentina into a "partner of the occupation".

Mr Milei will remain in Israel until Friday, when he will travel to Rome to be received by Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

As part of his tour, he will also meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

This will be after attending the canonization of the first Argentine saint, "Mama Antula", next Sunday.