Anticipating protests RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Milei's government launches anti-roadblocks plan

Milei's government launches a plan against street blockades or "piquetes", a common form of protest in Argentina for social, political or economic causes.

It was presented by Security Minister Patricia Bullrich as a "protocol for maintaining public order".

The purpose, she said, is to guarantee free circulation on public roads so that it’s not hampered by demonstrations.

The minister explained that federal forces will intervene to prevent roadbcloks and that they will respond gradually "according to resistance".

The plan contemplates prison sentences and police operations being billed to the organizers of protests.

Bullrich also warned that attendance to demonstrations with babies, children or teenagers will be prevented.

She also announced that the burning of tires will be outlawed as a method, among other reasons, because of the environmental impact.


And that security forces will guard train stations to stop those going to demonstrations with sticks or with their faces covered.

Bullrich remarked that the Government has "a decision taken" that "the way to ask for or seek a social benefit" is no longer "by means of downsizing".

And she assured that those who protest without interrupting traffic, from the sidewalk, "will not have any problem".

The government launched the protocol in anticipation of possible protests against the economic measures implemented in its first week in office.

Several trade union, political and social organizations expressed their opposition to Bullrich's plan, which they described as "unconstitutional" and a "threat".

And they recalled that the right to demonstrate is guaranteed by the Magna Carta.