New educational material for divulging and promoting science

A team of researchers from the National University of La Plata has been working for more than 10 years on the creation of inclusive teaching materials for both students and teachers. Their objective is to make scientific knowledge more accessible to the massive public. These tools are now being shared on their social networks, rather than in person, because of COVID-19.

The team is called "Walking on Glyptodons and Sabre-toothed Tigers" and produces guides, stories in the Braille writing system for the visually-impaired, plus subtitled documentaries and 3D prints of fossils from the Pampas.

Desarrollan material didáctico inclusivo para popularizar la ciencia – La Voz del Grito

These materials are free and can be downloaded from www.caminando.unlp.edu.ar or from the group's Facebook and Instagram accounts.

Among the materials, there is the fictional documentary "Walking on glyptodons and saber-toothed tigers", subtitled in various languages and soon to be also available in Argentine Sign Language (LSA).

You can also access the book "Walking on Glyptodonts and Sabre-toothed Tigers: A Didactic Guide to Understanding the Evolution of Life on Earth", which includes theoretical content and didactic activities specially designed for working with children and teenagers.

In addition, there's "Walking to new lands. When the Americas came together", a story that includes graphics and is also available in Braille as well as an audio story. It should be noted also that this was the first release in Braille language by the Universidad Nacional de la Plata's publishing label.

Materials included are also cards and 3D prints of fossilized pampas fauna, such as: glyptodonts, mastodons, saber-toothed tigers, megatheres, fororracos, toxodonts, among other large extinct animals.