For supporting "president in charge" Guaidó RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Opposition candidate disqualified in Venezuela

The Venezuelan Supreme Court disqualified the main opposition candidate, Corina Machado, from participating in this year's elections.

It is for having represented opposition leader Juan Guaidó, when he was recognized as "president in charge" by dozens of countries in 2019.

The court banned Machado for having requested sanctions against Venezuela before the Organization of American States during that period.

The candidate considered this to be the end of the Barbados Agreement, in which the Nicolás Maduro administration and the opposition agreed on an electoral roadmap for 2024.

"What does not end is our struggle for the conquest of democracy through free and fair elections", clarified Machado.

Meanwhile, the Foreign Ministry of Argentina issued a statement regretting Machado's disqualification.

In a statement, it says the country "reaffirms its commitment in defense of freedom, democracy and Human Rights".

And adds that it "expects the prompt holding of democratic, transparent elections, with full participation of all candidates".