Coming to Argentina to give birth RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Pregnant Russian women under investigation

Migration officials of Argentina are investigating an alleged Russian mafia that operates with pregnant women.



Migrations Authority head Florencia Carignano assured Courts were given all the necessary collaboration so that judges can look into allegations of criminal groups that charge pregnant Russian women to help them come to Argentina, so they can give birth in the country and thus obtain Argentine documents.

She said that these women are "victims" of organizations that "take advantage" of the existing agreement between Argentina and Russia, that grants a three-month tourist stay permit, no visa required.

She also pointed out: "We have plenty of evidence, such as the addresses provided upon arrival which are not real, as well as the testimony of 350 women who say they had paid for this so-called service".

She also indicated that the international airport of Ezeiza cannot be transformed "into a maternity ward".

This past weekend, the alert was heightened because a man accompanying one of these women triggered an orange alert at Argentine customs, due to a request from Interpol, and was arrested.

Some of them arrived with more than 30 weeks of pregnancy, a life risk for them and the baby in such a long distance air travel.

The case had international repercussions following an investigation by a British newspaper about these "childbirth tours" to Argentina, whose purpose is to easily obtain Argentine citizenship.

In our country, every child born on Argentine soil is immediately a citizen, and his or her family receives the same status for this reason.

Carignano indicated that "over the last year almost 22 thousand Russian nationals entered Argentina, with a peak last January of 4,523 entered".

The official said that "a pattern" was detected among these Russian pregnant women coming into the country: they are under 30 years old and are in the 33rd week of gestation.

In general, they declare to be tourists, but they do not have a return ticket, they do not know how to answer about their itinerary in Argentina and it was found that they "lie" about the place of accommodation.