President Fernández kicks off global meeting in BA

President Alberto Fernández inaugurated the III World Forum on Human Rights in Buenos Aires.

At the Kirchner Cultural Centre, the president headed the opening of this meeting organized by the United Nations.

In his speech, Fernández asserted that the judiciary is now "the enforcement arm of the powers that be in Argentina".

He also pointed against neoliberalism, which "is attacking the pillars of life".

In addition, he warned of "the global advance of anti-democratic forces that promote xenophobia and gender hatred".

In his message, the Head of State called for unity under "the banner of human rights so that democracies can be instruments of equality".

He also highlighted the most important human rights groups in the country: Mothers and Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, the "midwives" of our democracy, as he called them.

In this context, president Fernández reaffirmed his "commitment to find the grandchildren who are still missing and whose identity is unknown".

The Forum will be held throughout the week in the Argentine capital with various activities and the participation of guests from all over the world.

One of the venues will be the former ESMA, the largest clandestine detention center of the dictatorship that ruled Argentina between 1976 and 1983, which left 30,000 disappeared.