President Fernandez travels to join G-20 and Climate Summits

Alberto Fernandez will go this week to Rome where he will participate in the G-20 Summit of Heads of State, a forum that gathers the main economies of the world and developing nations. This year's gathering will focus on the "post-pandemic global recovery". Then, he will fly to Scotland to join the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26).

According to state agency Télam, during the G-20 Fernández will once again call for the "need" of a multilateral framework for restructuring the debt of middle-income countries, in view of the "generalized risk of external debt crisis in developing countries".



Argentina has maturities for US$ 17.8 billion of capital for 2022 and US$ 18.8 billion for 2023, according to the figures released by Minister of Economy Martín Guzmán, who criticized the administration of former president Mauricio Macri for contracting a US$ 44.154 billion debt with the International Monetary Fund.

After this meeting, Mr Fernández will travel to Glasgow, Scotland, where the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) will be held on November 1-2, under the slogan "Uniting the world to tackle climate change".

Fernández anticipated that Argentina would present a "long-term carbon neutrality strategy", an announcement that was made following a videoconference with the Secretary of State for International Development of the United Kingdom, Alok Sharma. The Argentine president will reiterate his position that the country is committed to achieving "carbon neutrality by 2050" even while struggling with its debt situation, something he says is unprecedented.