German Chancellor visit to Argentina RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

President meets Scholtz in Buenos Aires

Argentine President Alberto Fernández received German Chancellor Olaf Scholtz in Buenos Aires on Saturday.

They met at the San Martín Palace, headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, and both anticipated a growth of bilateral relations.




In this context, Mr Scholtz said: "Germany and Argentina are trustworthy partners and good friends, both politically and economically".

The German Head of Government arrived in the country accompanied by a delegation of businesspeople and investors.

One of the areas of greatest interest is energy, in addition to lithium.

In this sense, president Fernández highlighted Argentina's interest "in attracting German investments to be able to strengthen all that we have in the country".

According to the Head of State, the goal is for Argentina to become "a safe supplier of gas and energy" for Europe and other regions of the world.

At the meeting, the war between Russia and Ukraine was also discussed and the Argentine leader highlighted that neither the country nor Latin America are thinking of sending weapons to that or any other armed conflict..

In this regard, Mr Fernandez called on Russia to understand that the war also has repercussions in the southern hemisphere such as"higher food costs and hunger".

Mr Scholtz visited Argentina as part of a South American tour that also took him to Brazil and Chile.