"Collaborative meeting" - Government RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

President Milei receives all 24 governors

President Javier Milei met with the governors of Argentina's 24 provinces.

In that context, he justified the first measures of his administration, such as the 100% devaluation of the peso and the cancellation of public works.

According to official sources, Mr Milei asked them to support the package of reforms that he will send to Congress in the next few days.

Among these projects is a comprehensive overhaul of the State structure and the deregulation of the labor market, as well as changes in Argentina's tax system.

In this regard, Milei confirmed that the income tax on high salaries, which had been eliminated only two months ago, will be reinstated.

This measure, he clarified, will be temporary, until fiscal balance is achieved.

"It was made clear that, for the President, the elimination of the deficit is non-negotiable", government sources stressed.

Mr Milei spoke for 40 minutes and then took note of what each governor had to say.

At the end of the meeting, the Minister of the Interior, Guillermo Francos said that it was "a meeting of collaborative spirit and mutual understanding".

At the press conference he was accompanied by some of the provincial leaders who attended, among them Córdoba’s Martín Llaryora.

The latter said: "beyond ideological differences, we told the President that we wanted to accompany him, that we wanted to work together".

It should be noted that, after the meeting with Milei, eight opposition governors signed a document rejecting the restoration of the Income Tax.

"It would not be the right path because it affects workers", said the leaders of Buenos Aires, Formosa, La Pampa, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, Tierra del Fuego and Santiago del Estero.