To focus on economy RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

President won't seek reelection

Argentine President Alberto Fernández announced that he will not seek re-election.

In a video posted on social networks, the president announced that on 10 December, when his term ends, he will hand over power to whoever has won the elections.

The reason, he explained, was to focus on the economic situation, in a context of high inflation, financial and exchange rate instability and drought.

"The context forces me to devote all my efforts to dealing with the difficult times Argentina is going through," the head of state said.

In any case, he asserted that he will lead the electoral campaign of the Frente de Todos to "guarantee that the right wing will not return to bring us its nightmare and its darkness".

The ruling coalition Frente de Todos will have now to define its candidates for this year's general vote.

On 13 August the primaries will be held to determine the candidates who will compete for the presidency on 22 October.