VP accused of corruption RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

Cristina Kirchner: "nothing was proven"

Through a live broadcast on her social networks, vicepresident and former president Cristina Fernández reacted to a request by prosecutors to sentence her to 12 years in jail and ban her from public office for life, for alleged corruption during her 2007-2015 administration.



Prosecutors Diego Luciani and Sergio Mola had asked judges for the punishment amid an ongoing case on presumed diversion of public funds for road works in the province of Santa Cruz.

In her message, aired on Tuesday, the vice-president questions the "fierce political and media campaign" against her, which, she says, followed the prosecutors' request.

She also points out, as part of her "right of defense", that this trial "began with a fiction, a script that besides being quite bad, was false".

In this context, she indicated that "nothing of what the prosecutors said was proven".

And she questioned the coverage of the case by newspapers Clarín and La Nación, which she called the two flagships of 'lawfare'.