RAE in English - January 13, 2021

On this first program of the year, we resume the news bulletin. With the most important Argentine and South American stories of the week:




-Anti-COVID 19 treatment with equine serum developed in Argentina kicks off

-COVID-19 cases in South America increase and several countries reinforce restrictions

-Government lifts closure of maize exports after farmers protest by withholding sales of grains

-Elections in Ecuador: candidates debated on TV in the run-up to the February 7 vote

-Malvinas residents expressed rejection of the Brexit deal that excluded them from EU tax cuts

-River lost to Palmeiras of Brazil for the semifinals of the Copa Libertadores and was left out of the continental tournament

And another return to our show: the DX Supplement, with all kinds of interesting radio-related stories from the Americas.

Host: Fernando Farías.