RAE launched its app

At a ceremony attended by authorities from Radio y Televisión Argentina, members of RAE's team, delegations from foreign countries, foreign correspondents, artists and personalities from the world of radio, the launch of the new RAE app available for both Android and iOS was held.

Renowned broadcaster Martin Wullich was the "master of ceremonies" of this meeting that began with the Argentine National Anthem, Mercedes Sosa version. It was the first touching moment of the evening.

RAE Director Adrián Korol welcomed the audience, highlighting the value that our service has within the universe of public media: He stressed the role of radio and international broadcasting, as well as the importance of reaching audiences where they are.

We shared greetings from broadcasters from several countries and then enjoyed the music of pianist Facundo Ramirez, with a live performance.

Then, Alejandro Pont Lezica, Director of Radio Nacional, spoke about Argentine culture, about what we are and what unites us, and how RAE has been working over the years to disseminate and share our identity.

Pont Lezica presented a video that shows some of the productions made by RAE, including the moment when RAE communicated in its 8 languages the death of Maradona, or the generation of alternative contents during the pandemic and also a preview of RAE's upcoming releases and formats, including "Argentine Sessions".

Musician Esteban Morgado then performed a medley of emblematic songs of our music, sund along by the participative (and quite in tune) audience, while a couple danced tango on stage.

Rosario Lufrano, RTA chairwoman, emphasised the typically Argentine identity traits and how they are reflected in the public media, the construction of citizenship, and also the importance of technological advances and their incorporation into the distribution of content such as the new application.

He especially thanked the RAE team and presented a video on the new app's various features.

The event ended with a toast and words by Alejandro Pont Lezica, highlighting the presence of the 2024 team of LRA36 in Antarctica, also thanking Javier Gratz who donated a shortwave transmitter for the station, the Radio Club Argentino and Daniel Grimaldi, from RadioBar, who kindly brought two receivers from his valuable collection of radios.