"Roadblockers will not get paid" - Human Capital Minister

The Federal Government ratified that those who block roads will stop being paid social programs.


The announcement was made by the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, in a message published yesterday.


According to Pettovello, her portfolio will cut dialogue with those who organize or participate in road blockades.


"President Javier Milei already said it: those who cut streets will not get paid", said the Minister.


According to official sources, protesters will be identified by asking for IDs, with street cameras and drones.


Pettovello also announced that the goal is that there will be no more intermediaries between the State and social programs beneficiaries.


In this context, she confirmed the increase of two of the main programs: the Universal Child Allowance and the Food Card.


The former is an amount received by poor families for each minor child, which will be increased by 100% to reach 40 thousand pesos per month, about 40 dollars, as from next January.


Pettovello also talked about the rally called for tomorrow in Buenos Aires, on the anniversary of the December 2001 uprisings.


"While it is a right to demonstrate, it is also important the right of people to move freely", expressed Pettovello in a video posted in social media.


In this regard, a social leader ratified tomorrow's demonstration and described as "threats" the announcements of the Human Capital Minister .


Eduardo Belliboni, of the leftist Polo Obrero, accused the government in the X network: "they want a brutal downsizing plan against the people and to repress those who complain".


And he called: "on the 20th everyone to the streets".


Tomorrow is the 22nd anniversary of the resignation of then President Fernando de la Rúa, in the context of a repression that left more than 30 dead.