Milei promises Justice for 9-year Umma RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

The daughter of a minister's bodyguard was killed in a robbery

The murder of a 9-year-old girl during a robbery in Lomas de Zamora, province of Buenos Aires, has shocked the country.

The victim's name is Umma and is the daughter of Eduardo Aguilera, bodyguard of Security Minister Patricia Bullrich.

The agent, his wife -also a police officer- and the minor, were leaving their home by car when criminals tried to rob their vehicle at gunpoint.

Aguilera, who was at the wheel, tried to escape but the criminals opened fire, mortally wounding Uma in the back of the head, according to investigators.

Yesterday afternoon a 22-year man was arrested in connection with the case and three other suspects are being sought, police sources said.

President Javier Milei condemned the crime and via social media promised that those responsible "will pay for the life they took and for the family they destroyed".

"I send my most sincere condolences to their parents, both members of our Federal Police, they have the full support of the national government" said the president.

Minister Bullrich, for her part, expressed in her X account: "these criminals have no forgiveness… We will look for them until we find them".





Deportista y compañera de sus amigos, quién era Umma, la niña asesinada de un balazo en la cabeza - LA NACION