Nestor Kirchner pipeline RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

"This is Argentina's Energy Independence" - president Fernández

The "President Néstor Kichner" gas pipeline, Argentina's most important energy project in decades, was inaugurated.

It connects the rich deposits of Vaca Muerta, in Patagonia, with the east of the country, where the most populated areas are located.

President Alberto Fernández led the opening ceremony in the town of Salliqueló, in the province of Buenos Aires, where the first section of the pipeline arrives.

In this context, he said that "destiny" has allowed him today to "begin to kick off energy independence on 9 July".

On that date, it should be noted, the declaration of Argentina's independence in 1816 is commemorated.

"Thank God we were able to build this gas pipeline with our resources, Argentine companies and Argentine workers," said the President.

He added that the work "is guaranteeing that the gas will reach the places that need it most".

Fernández started up the pipeline by opening its first valve, together with Vice-President CFK.

The former president remarked that the project crowns "the recovery of our flagship oil company", YPF, which was nationalized during her government in 2012.

The event was also attended by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, the ruling party's presidential candidate for next October's elections.

Speaking at the event, Massa said that "the gas from Vaca Muerta will allow us to have cheaper electricity in Argentina next year".

The deposits, located in the province of Neuquén, are the second largest unconventional hydrocarbon reserves in the world.

The first section of the pipeline required an investment of 2.5 billion dollars and was built by a consortium of Argentine companies.