40 years of Democracy RAE ARGENTINA TO THE WORLD

UCR party remembered Alfonsín's 1983 electoral victory

The Radical Civic Union, one of the oldest political parties in Argentina, commemorated the 40th anniversary of Raúl Alfonsín's electoral win.

On October 30, 1983, the UCR candidate won the first free elections held after the last military dictatorship.

He then became the first constitutional president of the current democratic period.

In the city of Buenos Aires, the incumbent head of the party, Gerardo Morales, led the homage to the former president and vindicated his legacy.

Alfonsín's victory in 1983, said the governor of Jujuy yesterday, allowed Argentina "to get out of the darkest night the Republic has ever lived".

In this context, Morales expressed his rejection to the libertarian candidate Javier Milei, a fierce critic of Alfonsín.

Morales assured that he will do everything possible so that Milei does not win the runoff of next November 19, in which he will face Peronist Sergio Massa.

He also ratified the rupture of the opposition coalition Juntos por el Cambio, integrated by the UCR, after the support of former President Mauricio Macri to Milei.